Cbcd ltd means "road safety center". The company mainly deals with project preparation of road construction, cost-benefit analysis of road transport projects, traffic engineering, analysis of traffic accidents and critical accidents through on-site inspection.


Project preparation of road construction

Processing building intent documentation (BID) – Economic report

Designing Technical Specifications (TS) and Technical manufacturer conditions (TMC)

Traffic surveys and measurements

Processing of traffic - engineering data

Analytical work with resulting submission of proposals and solutions
      for improving the traffic situation on the road

Processing cost-benefit analysis of road projects

Performance of Road Safety Inspection

Analysis of traffic accidents resulting in proposed solutions for accident locations

Assessment of infrastructure capacity

Processing of designing the road network


Expertise in the field of Road Transport, in the Road Accidents sector and
      Technical condition of roads and traffic

The company uses the software: PTV Visum Safety, HDM – 4, AutoCAD, @RISK, PC-Crash,

The company uses the hardware: XL - meter, Vehicle Traffic Counter SR4

Certificates and attestations

Road Safety Engineering E-learning Course


contact us

Address of the company

cbcd ltd.
Statutory body: Ing. Peter Štefány
Address: Námestie sv. Egídia 95 (INTES - admin. build.), 058 01 Poprad, Slovak republic
IČO: 50 510 908
DIČ: 2 120 356 117
IČ DPH: SK2 120 356 117
Bank contact Tatra banka
IBAN: SK0511000000002948028197
Telephone number: +421 907 960 313
e-mail: cbcd@cbcd.sk

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